DTA2018 was held in Hong Kong from 6-8 June 2018
Local organising committee
Dr. W.Y. Szeto (The University of Hong Kong)
Professor Hong K. Lo (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Professor S.C. Wong (The University of Hong Kong)
Professor Anthony Chen (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Dr. Andy Chow (City University of Hong Kong)
Dr. Sylvia Y. He (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Dr. Yong-Hong Kuo (The University of Hong Kong)
Professor William H.K. Lam (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Professor Janny M.Y. Leung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Professor Siu Ming Lo (City University of Hong Kong)
Professor Becky P.Y. Loo (The University of Hong Kong)
Professor Agachai Sumalee (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Professor Donggen Wang (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Professor Alan W.G. Wong (Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong)
Professor Hai Yang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Presented papers
Passenger-Oriented Train Schedule Generation Model for a Railway System
Jiemin Xie, Shuguang Zhan, S.C. Wong and S.M. Lo
Mixed Bus Fleet Routing and Scheduling Considering Driving Range and Locations of Charging Stations
Lu Li, Hong K. Lo and Feng Xiao
Real-Time Integrated Re-Scheduling for Tramway Operations
Kam-Fung Cheung, Yong-Hong Kuo, David S.W. Lai and Janny M.Y. Leung
Train Rescheduling Strategies in a Complete Blockage
Shuguang Zhan, S.C. Wong, Qiyuan Peng and S.M. LoAnalysis Of Dynamic Traffic
Dynamic User Equilibrium with Recourse and Variable Message Signs
Kenneth A. Perrine and Michael W. Levin
Modeling Link-Based Dynamic User Equilibria with Differential Complementarity Systems
Xuegang Ban
A Scenario-Based Approach for the Reliability-Based User Equilibrium Problem in Dynamic Stochastic Networks Considering Travel Time Correlations and Heterogeneous Users
Ali Zockaie, Hani S. Mahmassani and Fatemeh Fakhrmoosavi
A Policy Based Chronological Link Transmission Model for Stochastic Time Dependent Traffic Networks
Hemant Gehlot and Satish Ukkusuri
Handling Non-Unique Flows in Macroscopic First-Order Intersection Models – An Equilibrium Theory
Yen-Hsiang Chen and Chris M.J. Tampère
Riemann Solvers at a Junction for Traffic Flow on a Road Network by Using a Conserved Higher-Order Model
D.L. Qiao, P. Zhang, K. Zhang and H. Liu
Understanding the Trade Offs between DTA Models Realism and Robustness: The Impact of Spillback Modeling
Stephen D. Boyles and Natalia Ruiz Juri
Controlling Pedestrian Flows Using a Dynamic Traffic Management System
Nicholas Molyneaux, Riccardo Scarinci and Michel Bierlaire
Architectures of Urban Traffic Control with Consideration of Drivers’ Route Choices
Andy H.F. Chow
Dynamic Traffic Signal Optimization Considering Network Equilibrium Flows
Wei Huang and Hong K. Lo
Safety, Stability and Smoothness in Control of Connected Autonomous Vehicles
Benjamin Heydecker and Dirk Yihua Chen
Traffic Network Partitioning for Hierarchical Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Applications Based on Fusion of GPS Probe and Loop Detector Data
Kang An, Xianbiao Hu and Xiaohong Chen
A Cell-Based Dynamic Congestion Pricing Considering Travel Distance and Congestion Level
Qixiu Cheng and Zhiyuan Liu
An Online Interactive Experiment to Evaluate Tradable Mobility Credit Strategies
Ye Tian and Yi-Chang Chiu
An Optimal Control Framework for Multi-Region Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Systems Considering Route Choice and Departure Time Choice
Renxin Zhong, Yunping Huang, Jianhui Xiong, Nan Zheng, William Lam and Agachai Sumalee
Modeling the Users Departure Time Choice Adaption for a Tolling System
Benedikt Bracher and Klaus Bogenberger
Empirical Analysis of Detours on Freeways in UK, France and Germany
Markus Auer, Hubert Rehborn and Klaus Bogenberger
Assess the Effectiveness of En-Route Information Provision in No-Notice Evacuation Using Agent-Based Simulation
Yi Wang, Miltos Kyriakidis and Vinh N. Dang
User’s Behavior and Dynamic Network Loading
Sergio F.A. Batista
A Fuzzy Set-Based Approach to Estimate the Dynamic Demands in Urban Road Networks with Imprecise Data
Bei Wang and Yu Jiang
An Efficient Algorithm for High-Dimensional Dynamic Origin-Destination Demand Estimation of Inefficient Large-Scale Stochastic Simulation-Based Traffic Models
Carolina Osorio
A Linear Programming Formulation for Incentive-Based Travel Demand Management
Shantanu Chakraborty, David Rey and S. Travis Waller
A Probabilistic Analytical Traffic-Theoretic Network Loading Model for Large-Scale Network Optimization
Jing Lu and Carolina Osorio
A Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis Guided Cross Entropy Method for Efficient Calibration of Traffic Models
Xiuxia Xie, Siwei Hu, Kaiyan Fu and Renxin Zhong
Efficient Calibration of an Activity-Based Multimodal Transport Microsimulation Model
Ashraf Uz Zaman Patwary, Wei Huang and Hong K. Lo
Day-To-Day Dynamics under Advanced Traffic Information
Hongbo Ye, Feng Xiao and Hai Yang
Day-To-Day Flow Dynamics for Stochastic User Equilibrium and a General Lyapunov Function
Feng Xiao, Minyu Shen, Zhengtian Xu, Ruijie Li, Hai Yang and Yafeng Yin
Day-To-Day Multimodal Dynamic Traffic Assignment: Impacts of the Learning Process in Case of Non-Unique Solutions
Mostafa Ameli, Jean Patrick Lebacque and Ludovic Leclercq
Effects of Traffic Information on Drivers’ Day-To-Day Route Choices
Genaro Peque Jr., Toshihiko Miyagi and Fumitaka Kurauchi
A Dynamic Green Bike Repositioning Problem
Chin Sum Shui and W.Y. Szeto
The Fleet Deployment Problem for Leisure-Oriented Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems with Uncertain Demand
Chung-Cheng Lu, Hui-Ju Chen and Hsiao-Tung Wang
Modeling and Managing Morning Commute with Park and Ride-Sharing
Zhihui Huang, Jiancheng Long and Haoxiang Liu
On the Morning Commute Problem in a Y-Shaped Network with Individual and Household Travelers
Dongdong He, Yang Liu, Qiuyan Zhong and David Z.W. Wang
Simulating the Behaviors of Taxi-Cruising and Taxi-Dispatching Markets in a Cell-Based Network
R.C.P. Wong, W.H. Yang, W.Y. Szeto, and R.T.H. Wong
Scheduling Synchronization with Time-Dependent Data
Yu Jiang, Kelvin Lee, Avishai Ceder and Otto Nielsen
Commuter’s Departure Time Choice with Fare-Reward Scheme in a Multi-To-Single Mass Transit System
Yili Tang, Hai Yang and Chenzhe Liu
Dynamic Traffic Assignment in a Corridor Network Optimum Vs. Equilibrium
Haoran Fu, Takashi Akamatsu and Kentaro Wada
A Link-Based Probit Model for Dynamic Traffic Assignment
Genaro Peque Jr., Junji Urata and Takamasa Iryo
A Dynamic System Optimal Model for Hybrid Network of Reservoirs and Connecting Links
Qian Ge, Ke Han, Haoran Fu and Daisuke Fukuda
Route Choice Equilibration Algorithm for Stochastic Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Full Route Set
Jeroen Verstraete, Willem Himpe and Chris M.J. Tampère
Modeling and Simulation of Air Pollution from the Dispersion of Vehicle Exhaust in a City: Continuum Modeling Approach
Liangze Yang, Tingting Li, S.C. Wong, Chi-Wang Shu and Mengping Zhang
Autonomous Intersection Management for Connected and Automated Vehicles Using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Yuanyuan Wu, Shunzhi Qian and Feng Zhu
Dynamic Traffic Signal Control, Dynamic Queueing, and Dynamic Route Choice
Gunnar Flotterod and Michael J. Smith
One Is Not Like the Other: Deterministic Vs Stochastic Day-To-Day DTA Models: Part 1
Katharina Parry, Ahmad Mahmoodjanlou and Martin Hazelton
One Is Not Like the Other: Deterministic Vs Stochastic Day-To-Day DTA Models: Part 2
Ahmad Mahmoodjanlou, Martin Hazelton and Katharina Parry
Effect of Information Collection Behaviour on Stability of a Simplified Departure Time Choice Problem
Takamasa Iryo
Day-To-Day Network Dynamics over Different Scales: From Micro to Macro
Weimeng Li and Ning Jia
An Algorithm for the User Equilibrium with Agent-Based Dynamic Transit Assignment
Mark Hickman
An Optimization Model for a Station-Based Bike Sharing System Rebalancing Problem
Yufeng Zhang and Alireza Khani