DTA2010 was held in Takayama, Japan from 29-31 July 2010
Local organising committee
Masao Kuwahara (University of Tokyo/Tohoku University, Japan)
Regional Members
Takashi Akamatsu (Tohoku University, Japan)
Yasuo Asakura (Kobe University, Japan
Motohiro Fujita (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)
William H. K. Lam (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China)
Takuya Maruyama (Kumamoto University, Japan)
Yukimasa Matsumoto (Meijo University, Japan)
Shoshi Mizokami (Kumamoto University, Japan)
Se-il Mun (Kyoto University, Japan)
Agachai Sumalee (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China)
Jun-ichi Takayama Kanazawa (University, Japan)
Ken-etsu Uchida (Hokkaido University, Japan)
S. C. Wong (University of Hong Kong, China)
Toshio Yoshii (Kyoto University, Japan)
Local organising committee
Fumitaka Kurauchi (Gifu University, Japan)
Shoichiro Nakayama (Kanazawa University, Japan)
Takamasa Iryo (Kobe University, Japan)
Presented papers
A General Methodology and a Free Software for the Calibration of DTA
Models Gunnar Flötteröd
Dynamic Origin-Destination Estimation in Congested Networks
Rodric Frederix, Chris M.J. Tampère, Francesco Viti
Punctuality-Based Dynamic Travel Choice Modeling
Barbara W.Y. Siu, Hong K. Lo
Reliability-Based Departure Time User Equilibrium
Hao Li, Michiel Bliemer, Huizhao Tu
Computing Dynamic User Equilibria with Alternative Network Loading Models
Terry L. Friesz, Taeil Kim, Ilsoo Lee
Staggered Work Hours: a Bi-Level Model and the Role of Incentives
Wilfredo F. Yushimito, Xuegang (Jeff) Ban, José Holguín-Veras
Integrating Aspects of Unreliability in a Schedule-Based Transit Assignment Model
Normen Rochau, Klaus Noekel, Michael G. H. Bell
Dynamic Traffic Equilibrium Model for Dynamic Pricing and Road Capacity Allocation Scheme
Renxin Zhong, Agachai Sumalee, Takuya Maruyama, Paramet Luathep
Verification of the Area Ramp Metering Control Strategy Using Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram
Toshio Yoshii, Kosuke Endo
Implementation of Optimized Traffic Assignment in Disaster Relief: the Effectiveness of Evacuation Instructions and Blocking Roads
Olga Huibregtse, Andreas Hegyi, Serge Hoogendoorn
Discriminated Discounts Based on ETC to Improve Highway Bottleneck Congestion
Takaji Suzuki
Online Dynamic Traffic Assignment for Predictive Traffic Management through Information Supply and Pricing
Jing Dong, Hani S. Mahmassani
Formulation of a Risk-Averse Dynamic Traffic Assignment
Solmaz Haji Hosseinloo, Michael G. H. Bell
Dynamic Equilibrium Assignment Convergence by En-Route Flow Smoothing
Adam J. Pel, Michiel C.J. Bliemer, Serge P. Hoogendoorn
Selecting Potentially Optimal Routes through Optimistic and Pessimistic
Node Potentials
Achille Fonzone, Jan-Dirk Schmöcker, Michael G. H. Bell
Empirical Macroscopic Evaluation of Freeway Merge-Ratios
Hillel Bar-Gera, Soyoung Ahn
Isolated Signalized Intersections in Dynamic Traffic Assignment
Michal Blumberg Nitzani, Hillel Bar-Gera, Ilya Gertsbakh
A Differentiable Dynamic Network Loading Model That Yields Queue Length Distributions and Accounts for Spillback
Carolina Osorio, Gunnar Flötteröd, Michel Bierlaire
Implementation of a Single Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model on Mixed
Urban and Highway Transport Networks Including Junction Modelling
M. P. H. Raadsen, H. E. Mein, M. P. Schilpzand, F. Brandt
Dynamic Continuum Modeling Approach to Urban Traffic Equilibrium
Yanqun Jiang, S.C. Wong, H.W. Ho, Peng Zhang, Runxun Liu, Agachai Sumalee
On Two Stable States of Time-Varying Traffic Flow on Signalised
Y. E. Ge, Xizhao Zhou
Stochastic Cell Transmission Model for Traffic Network with Demand and
Supply Uncertainties
Agachai Sumalee, Renxin Zhong, Tianlu Pan, Takamasa Iryo, William H.K. Lam
The Stochastic Cell Transmission Model Considering Spatial and
Temporal Correlations for Traffic States Prediction
Tianlu Pan, Agachai Sumalee, Renxin Zhong, Nobuhiro Uno
Network Performance Degeneration in Dynamic Network Loading Models
Wouter Schakel, Olga Huibregtse, Serge Hoogendoorn
Introducing Lanes and Lane-Changing in a Cell-Transmission Model
Chandra Balijepalli, Malachy Carey, David Watling
A Graph Theoretical Combinatorial Algorithm and Dual Approximation
Scheme for Large-Scale Dynamic Traffic Assignment Calibration
Steven T. Waller, R. Kumar, N. Nezamuddin
Modeling the Day-to-Day Traffic Evolution Process after an Unexpected
Network Disruption
Xiaozheng He, Henry X. Liu
An Experimental Study of Effects of Travel Time Distribution Information
on Dynamic Route Choice Behavior
Mitsuhisa Tanaka, Nobuhiro Uno, Yasuhiro Shiomi, YoongHo Ahn
An Evolutionary Approach to Dynamic Traffic Congestion Control:
Implementing Tradable Network Permits Based on Combinatorial Auction
Kentaro Wada, Takashi Akamatsu
Evaluating Network Performance Using Different Dynamic Traffic Models
within a DTA Framework
Isaak Yperman, M. Snelder
Detector Placement Optimisation Based on DTA and Empirical Data
Tian Jiang, Marc Miska, Masao Kuwahara
Dynamic Route Choice Adjustment Process Using the Log Files of Car
Navigation Systems
Seungjae Lee, Sooil Lee, Hyeokjun Son, Injoon Choi
Comparing the Transient Dynamics and Equilibria of Perturbed Networks
with Differing Structural Properties
John Armstrong, Richard Connors, David Watling
Signal Setting with Demand Assignment: Global Optimization with
Equilibrium Stability Constraints
Giulio E. Cantarella, P. Velona, A. Vitetta
Discretised Vehicle Assignment: Characteristics of Equilibrium Solutions
and Evolution Processes
Takamasa Iryo
Dynamic Process Models for Long-Range Transport Planning
David Watling
The Long Term Behaviour of Day-to-Day Traffic Assignment Models
Mike Smith, Martin L. Hazelton, Hong K. Lo, Giulio E. Cantarella, David Watling
Dynamic Traffic Assignment under Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium: Do
We Need a Paradigm Shift?
Chris M.J. Tampère, Francesco Viti