About the symposium

The International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) is a bi-annual event that aims to foster excellence in DTA research and practice. It provides a forum for exchanging innovative ideas and challenges on DTA and related transport problems.

DTA models describe the interaction between travel demand and infrastructure supply and explicitly account for time-varying conditions. Typical outputs of DTA are traffic flows and travel times used for transport planning or traffic operations purposes. Although passenger transport (both private and public) is the main focus of the Symposium, it also considers freight transport and the interaction between passenger and freight transport.

Topics of the Symposium include dynamic route and departure time choice, within-day and day-to-day equilibrium, dynamic network loading and traffic simulation, dynamic link flow and node models, solution algorithms and properties, dynamic origin-destination estimation, dynamic traffic control and real-time traffic management, activity-based modelling and analysis, dynamic travel behaviour, and novel dynamic transport applications.